25 Red Roses in Elegant Wrapping

(1 customer review)



Delight your loved ones with a sophisticated bouquet of 25 red roses, beautifully arranged in premium wrapping. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a romantic date, a birthday, or just a thoughtful gesture to show your appreciation.


25 Red Roses in Elegant Wrapping

Delight your loved ones with a sophisticated bouquet of 25 red roses, beautifully arranged in premium wrapping. This bouquet is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a romantic date, a birthday, or just a thoughtful gesture to show your appreciation.


  • 25 red roses: A timeless symbol of love and admiration.
  • Stylish wrapping: High-quality, elegant packaging that enhances the beauty of the bouquet.
  • Perfect for any event: Ideal for romantic gestures, celebrations, or as a surprise gift.
  • Delivery in Vilnius: Reliable and fast delivery straight to your recipient’s door.

25 красных роз в стильной упаковке

Подарите своим близким элегантный букет из 25 красных роз, оформленный в изысканную упаковку. Этот букет станет идеальным подарком для любого случая — романтического свидания, дня рождения или просто как знак внимания.


  • 25 красных роз: Классический символ любви и восхищения.
  • Элегантная упаковка: Качественное стильное оформление, подчеркивающее красоту букета.
  • Подходит для любого события: Идеален для романтических моментов, праздников или сюрприза.
  • Доставка по Вильнюсу: Надежно и быстро доставим до адресата.

1 review for 25 Red Roses in Elegant Wrapping

  1. Tomas

    “I placed an order and was told the flowers were not in stock, but they could prepare them in about 2 hours as such a quantity is hard to find. Shortly after, they called back and said they could go to the greenhouse to cut fresh ones. While I was still deciding, they called again to let me know I could already pick up my order. Outstanding service! Highly recommend.”

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